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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 10, Issue 3, pp. 447-666

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On Elliptic Singular Perturbation Problems with Turning Points

S. Kamin

pp. 447-455

Criteria of Limit Circle Type for Nonlinear Differential Equations

Paul W. Spikes

pp. 456-462

Constant Limit of a Sequence of Iterates

W. F. Smyth

pp. 463-471

An Asymptotic Formula for the Derivatives of Orthogonal Polynomials

Paul G. Nevai

pp. 472-477

A Combinatorial Approach to Some Positivity Problems

Mourad E. H. Ismail and M. V. Tamhankar

pp. 478-485

On the Diffusion of Immiscible Fluids in Porous Media

C. J. van Duyn

pp. 486-497

On Weak Equivalence of Linear Systems and Finite State Systems

C. T. Mullis and R. A. Roberts

pp. 498-511

Convergence of `Periodic in the Limit' Operator Continued Fractions

Robert C. Busby and Wyman Fair

pp. 512-522

Linearization of Monotone Hilbert Networks

Vaclav Dolezal

pp. 523-531

On Characterization of Functions by Their Gauss–Chebyshev Quadratures

Itshak Borosh and Charles K. Chui

pp. 532-541

Singular Perturbation of Autonomous Linear Systems

Stephen L. Campbell and Nicholas J. Rose

pp. 542-551

Existence for Nonlinear Volterra Equations in Hilbert Spaces

Viorel Barbu

pp. 552-569

On the Speed of Propagation of Solutions of Integrodifferential Equations

Paul L. Davis

pp. 570-576

Gegenbauer Transforms via the Radon Transform

Stanley R. Deans

pp. 577-585

Algebraic Method for Solving Linear Partial Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients. Part I: Basic Theory

Serge Vasilach

pp. 586-602

Strictly and Strongly Strictly Causal Linear Operators

Avraham Feintuch

pp. 603-613

A Computer Method for Verification of Asymptotically Stable Periodic Orbits

John E. Franke and James F. Selgrade

pp. 614-628

Operational Rules

Raimond A. Struble

pp. 629-642

Expansions of Generalized Completely Convex Functions

Dan Amir and Zvi Ziegler

pp. 643-654

Heun's Equation and the Hypergeometric Equation

Kathryn Kuiken

pp. 655-657

A One-Parameter Family of Sequence Transformations

Jean-Marc Vanden Broeck and Leonard W. Schwartz

pp. 658-666